Kevin and Spencer

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hello EWB Guelph!

Hey folks! 

The day has come, and Spencer and I could not be more excited. We are finally launching our JF blog! Why is this exciting? This is the medium to connect you with us over the summer! Be prepared for lots of stories, names, faces, and challenges.

We've been working behind the scenes to complete approximately 5 hours a week of JF training over the past 3 months. EWB is renound for the training it provides their overseas volunteers. As a Junior Fellow (JF), our preparation consists of the following:

1) Creating and following my own Personal Development Plan (PDP)
2) Coffee Shops with the Return JF (RJF)
3) Foundation Learning Program

A personal development plan is a personalized growth plan. In order to make one, you must reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as a development worker and come up with a list of things you'd like to improve on, the ways you intend to improve them and a timeline for growth. This plan is shared with the RJF and they act as a mentor throughout your personal development.

Coffee Shops are what we call weekly meetings between the RJF and incoming JF. This time was used to discuss readings, work through exercises and monitor PDP progress. Kate, Spencer, and I completed 6 coffee shops over the semester - 2 of which were open to the chapter!

The last part of our preparation is the Foundation Learning Program. It is a very extensive, full of suggested readings to prepare us for one week of training that happens in Toronto right before departure. The Foundation Learning Book is structured in a way that mirrors the sessions we will be having during pre-departure training. The program follows EWB's Learning Pyramid and you must develop competence in one level before you can move to the one above it. I've outlined the content, required readings and activities associated with each level and assigned a timeline for the completion of each section.

1) Understanding Culture and Approach (January 5th)

1. Read Culture as an Iceberg
2. Read Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
3. Read White Privelege and Unpacking the Knapsack
4. Discuss Readings at Coffee Shop

2) Health, Safety and Well Being (January 11th)
2. Safety, EWB' emergency response plan
3. Nutrition, nutrition by crop, Canada's Food Guide

3) Understanding of Livlihoods and Poverty (February 16th)
1. Read Rural Livlihoods in Zambia
2. Read Introduction to Agriculture
3. Complete Ill Being and Well Being Activity, discuss at coffee shop -- future post

4) Understanding the Development Sector
(March 12)
1. Read chapter one of Mastering the Machine by Ian Smilie

5) Project and Sector Specific Learning (March 25th)
1. Read EWB Profile Malawi and Ghana
2. Read provided documents on water and sanitation and agriculture
3. Arrange a phone call with Regional Director or current Africa Programs Staff to identify at least 3 new knowledge skills or attitudes I will have to develop before starting work
4. MS Office General Skill Building (Pivot Tables and Formatting)

6) Understanding how to Create Change (April 30th)
1. Complete an MBTI analysis,a personality test to help me understand my working style
2. Learn about Participatory Approaches
3. Learn about different learning styles
3. Read the Coaching Handbook, practice mentoring!

That's all for now! Talk to you all soon :-)

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