Confused by all of the acronyms? Have no fear!
Agric – Agriculture (as a Business). This is one of the sectors that EWB works in, both in Ghana and Burkina Faso. This team is often referred to as the MoFA team in Ghana.
ADB - African Development Bank. This is the partner organization that Kevin is working with in Malawi.
APS – African Program Staff. This refers to EWB’s long term overseas volunteers (13+ months). As their placements are long-term, the purpose of the APS is to build relationships with EWB’s partners on the ground, execute EWB’s African programs, and create impact overseas. An APS will also be paired with each JF to serve as a coach and mentor for the duration of the JF’s placement.
AVC – Agriculture Value Chains. This is one of the sectors that EWB works in, both in Zambia and now in Ghana as well.
CIDA – Canadian International Development Agency. The federal agency in charge of Canada’s foreign aid.
EWB – Engineers Without Borders. Refers to the Canadian organisation unless otherwise stated. EWB is a Canada-based International Development NGO.
Dorothy – A symbolic person that represents the rural Africans to whom EWB and its members are ultimately accountable. Many EWB members have their own personal “Dorothy” who keeps them inspired and focused in their work with EWB.
G&RI – Governance and Rural Infrastructure. This is one of the sectors that EWB works in, and is one of the three program areas in Ghana. This is Spencer's team!
INGO – International Non-Governmental Organisation.
JF – Junior Fellowship/Junior Fellow. EWB’s Junior Fellowship is a short-term volunteer/internship program through which canadian chapter members travel to Africa to work in one of EWB’s sectors for four months. As the placement is short-term, the main purpose of the JF program is to bring knowledge and experience of EWB’s overseas work back to the chapter. “Junior Fellowship” is the name of the program, and “Junior Fellow” refers to the participant; both are abbreviated as JF. In summer 2011, Spencer and Kevin are the JFs for Guelph.
MoFA – Ministry of Food and Agriculture. This refers to the ministry in Ghana, specifically. EWB is partnered with MoFA for the Agriculture as a Business program area. MoFA is sometimes used interchangeably with Agric to refer to the Agriculture as a Business sector team in Ghana.
NGO – Non-Governmental Organisation.
WatSan – Water and Sanitation. This is one of the sectors that EWB works in, and is the main program area in Malawi. This is Kevin's team!
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