Kevin and Spencer

Friday, July 8, 2011

(Spencer) Smiles All About

 Hello friend on this fine friday!

Today I would like to share some of the smiling faces of Ghana, and make no mistake even if the picture is solemn they are smiling on the inside. Its very common to become quite straight faced when your picture is being taken as photos are serious business.

This man insists that I stole his name, Suhuyini, what is with that name anyway? Tune in Monday to find out, along with a summary of the summer among other fun.

Baba preparing some cow skin for the market. The raw skins are put on top of a fire and charred, than the burnt bits are scrapped off. After the skins are hydrated in oil and chopped. I'll be honest, I am not at all of a fan of eating cow skin, it tastes like...well like skin.

Baby Sulu, looking questioningly into my eyes "What on earth is this white boy doing?" Thankful the meaning of his name is patients.

Question: Why is this name so happy?

Don't fret, this boy doesn't smoke. He is fetching the previous mans smokes for him (question answered), and thought he would be the epitome of cool in the photo.

A seriously imposing man, the District Chief Executives son, glaring me down but with smiles in his heart....just as he was smiling moments before and after.

This man is a definite character he always requests a photo and sells me honey straight from the bush hives. His friend in the back is in the process of leaping from the camera frame to avoid a photo, despite this mans excitement. 

Yours truly Spencer Suhuyini, carrying Sulu on my back in the traditional fashion. The ladies didn't think I would be able to do it, and they were half right; my lack of breasts presented a unique challenge of wear the wrapping would hold on me.

An expert tire roller.

Those eyes say it all.

People are the only ones with smiles, dogs need love too!! In his favourite spot, right behind his ears =)

Have a great weekend everyone
I hope to see you all and your smiling faces soon..but not too soon there is still much work to be done here. 

Be well and without ailment

1 comment:

  1. Incredible post! I love these photos! Baby sulu couldn't be cuter. Thanks for taking the time to load photos dude. Looking forward to your next post. Love kate
