Kevin and Spencer

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

(Spencer) Suhuyini Revealed

Hello Friends!

Over the past months you may have noticed that instead of signing off as Spencer, I have been using the name Suhuyini.  What is up with that name?


Just as all names have a meaning a so does this one, and in the culture of the Dagomba people names are a very important part of who you are. Not just being a title that you go by but with a deeper meaning that truly describes who you are. Children are given names are a celebration a week after their birth by religious leaders in the community, complete with the slaughter of a sheep and shaving of the head to make it official. Being an adult did not require a sheep to be slaughtered or my hair to be shaved (dodged a bullet there).

When I first arrived in Karaga I would introduce myself as Spenca (the “r” is not pronounced) but every time I would be asked what my Dagomba name was and I was without one. Two weeks in I was walking with Shurazo out in the fields and we were talking about names, I mentioned I didn’t have a Dagomba name. He looked at me for a few moments, thought to himself, and said, “I know what your name is, you should be called Suhuyini”. I was very greatful to have been given such a beautiful name,  ”What does it mean?” I asked him.

Suhuyini means one heart. That is who I am. It means that I do not hold evil thoughts in my heart for any person. It means that I am open and share my feelings.  It means that I am full of love.

This is who I am in Karaga, I am known to some people as Spenca but for the vast majority of people I am only known as Suhuyini . If I introduce myself as Spenca they ask for my Dagomba name and when I say Suhuyini they smile brightly and forgot any of that Spenca nonsense. It’s a name I really do love, sexy sounding as it rolls off the tongue and therapeutic when I think about the meaning as people call me by it. The feeling to have gone by one name all your life than to be given another is something quite unique, akin to a nickname but one that is not a nickname at all but my true name to those who know me by it.

During my day to day life I strive to live up to being “One Heart”, at times it is easy and at times it can be very hard. On the hard times; taking the time to greet even those who cause me frustrations, not letting in to anger even in the face of lost money, and understanding the realities of the District Assembly officers even when they don’t do at all what I have asked. Today I was called a true northerner as I value greeting people so much, this was a large compliment that definitely had my one heart glowing.

The man the mystery revealed =)

One heart


PS!! An awesome video of serious dance moves at the Ghana independence day celebrations!

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